NOTICE – VISITOR CENTRE CLOSED until further notice

Due to preventive measures against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) the VISITOR CENTRE (reception, bar & shop negozio) will be CLOSED until further notice!

The NATURE RESERVE (nature trail, observatories, parking) will stay open, every day from 7am to 7pm, till new precaution measures from Slovenian National Institute of Public Health.
For more information:

Interesting observations, 11 of March 2020

❗️Garganey/Spatula (Anas) querquedula: 2 os./ind., bonifika
❗️Avocet/Recurvirostra avosetta: 4 os./ind., laguna
❗️Redshank/ Tringa totanus: 2 os./ind., laguna

▶️ Ruff/Philomachus pugnax: 6 os./ind., bonifika & laguna
▶️ Green Sandpiper/Tringa ochropus: 1 os./ind., bonifika

▶️ Marsh Harrier/Circus aeruginosus: 1 os./ind., bonifika
▶️ Cattle Egret/Bubulcus ibis: 4 os./ind., laguna
▶️ Pygmy Cormorant/Microcarbo pygmeus: 6 os./ind., bonifika in laguna

▶️ Shelduck/Tadorna tadorna: 6 os./ind., laguna
▶️ Sivka/Moriglione/Pochard/Aythya ferina: 49 os./ind., bonifika
▶️ Long-tailed Tit/Aegithalos caudatus: 1 par gnezdi ob učni poti
▶️ Stonechat/Saxicola torquatus: 1 os./ind., bonifika

Garganey/Spatula (Anas) querquedula, photo: Luciano D’Agata

Interesting observations, 5 of March 2020

On Thursday, 5th of March 2020, during an acoustic census we recorded 13 Water Rails (Rallus aquaticus) and the first Little Crake (Porzana parva) of the season on its way back from Africa.

Photo: Bia Rakar
Photo by Miroslav Kastelic: Little Crake/Porzana parva

5th IMPRECO Project Meeting

The 5th project meeting took place in Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve, protected area of our Slovenian partner “DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia”, from 25th to 26th February 2020.

Due to travel restrictions in Northern Italy some partners could not attend the meeting in Škocjanski zatok NR, instead they attended it online, via Skype sessions.

During the meeting, the representative of Lead Partner (Comune di Staranzano), Massimiliano Pinat , presented the state of art on IMPRECO management, monitoring, reporting, the ADRION Capitalization Process and it’s planning. Next activities and related deadlines were discussed and planned according to the project prolongation till 30th of June 2020.

Slovenian project partner, DOPPS, opened the Pilot Action (PA) session with a guided tour to present the PA results in Škocjanski zatok NR. The tour helped other PPs to understand the management measures and approaches implemented in Škocjanski zatok NR, focused on improving of the understanding of nature reserve and its ecosystem services by the visitors (comic strip and life interpretation, didactical tools and games for better nature experience…). Thereinafter all the pilot actions implemented by other PPs were reported. Both (all day long) meetings finished with a typical dinner in a local restaurant in the surrounding area of the nature reserve.

Photo: Bia Rakar
5. sestanek partnerjev projekta IMPRECO v NR Škocjanski zatok, foto: Bia Rakar

Interesting observations, 3.3.2020

🐦SPOONBILL (Platalea leucorodia): 12 ind., bonifika, 4th March 2020
🐦House Martin (Delichon urbicum): 2 ind., bonifika
🐦Jack Snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus): 2 ind., bonifika
🐦Mediterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus): 1 ind., laguna

🐦Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus): 1 ind., bonifika
🐦Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus): 2 ind., bonifika
🐦Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus): 36 ind., bonifika
🐦Snipe (Gallinago gallinago): 7 ind., bonifika

🐦Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus): 1 ind., bonifika
🐦Stonechat (Saxicola torquatus): 5 ind., bonifika
🐦Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis): 4 ind., laguna
🐦Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmeus): 5 ind., bonifika & laguna
🐦Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna): 3 ind., laguna

Flowering Salix sp. and early spider-orchid (Ophrys sphegodes).

Early spider-orchid, foto: Domen Stanič
Jack Snipe, foto: Domen Stanič
Photo: Bia Rakar
Spoonbills, foto: Borut Mozetič